Statewide Forum

With the loss of the NJ.COM wrestling forum, I am trying to find if there are any alternatives for NJ wrestling fans.  If anybody has any idea, please post a comment.  Thanks!

Region 2 Guy Update

A few people have been asking about updates since the end of States back in March.  There have been tournaments, interesting developments regarding eighth graders who will be attending some local private schools, and a great deal of controversy over the proposed Region 9.

Unfortunately, I have been too busy to keep up with all of the goings on, as we have been in the process of selling our home in New Jersey and purchasing a new home in Virginia.  It seems that Region 2 Guy is now going to be Virginia Guy!  That would suggest the end of this blog, as I will no longer be around to watch kids wrestle, hob-nob with the crazy wrestling dads, and in general stay on top of the local activity.

It's been a lot of fun, and I wish the very best to all the brave kids who take part in the toughest sport in the world.